Palace of the Supreme Tribunal

The Lithuanian Tribunal was the highest appeal court in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It was established in 1581 by the King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania – Stephen Batory. Its headquarters in the heart of Vilnius, just a few hundred meters from the belfry of the Cathedral.

More than three centuries ago, on a beautiful spring day, the Tribunal witnessed an incident that nowadays would undoubtedly make breaking news across Lithuania.

On May 5th, 1655, at midday, half past noon, once the litigants left the courtroom so that the judges of the Tribunal could deliberate over the court ruling, the courtroom of the Tribunal palace lobby, full of people of all estates, collapsed.

Address: Šventaragio str. 2

Learn more about this tragic event, which surprisingly ended without any fatalities, by clicking on this link.