Former Andrzej Morsztyn’s House

On Vokiečių (German) St, in a place of Contemporary Art Centre, once stood a luxurious Andrzej Morsztyn’s masonry house. The history of the Lithuanian Reformation names Andrzej Morsztyn as one of the first Vilnan Lutherans.

We know beyond a reasonable doubt that the first Morsztyns moved to Vilnius from Kraków, while their ancestors (Morrinsteins, Mornsteyns, Mornstens, Morstens, etc.) lived in German lands. In the first half of the 16th century, the Morsztyns already showed up among the political and economic elite of Vilnius. Alongside some of the other families, they manage to accumulate power due to their cleverness, wisdom, and riches.

Learn more about the Morsztyn family by clicking this link.

Address: Vokiečių St. 2